In Defense of the Right to Learn (Resolution passed at the Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, January 6, 2024)

H-PAD Recommended Reading on Palestine and Israel (October 17, 2023)

H-PAD Statement on Escalation of Violence in Israel and Palestine (joint statement with other organizations, October 15, 2023)

Statement from H-PAD Co-chairs on Escalation of Israeli Violence in Gaza (October 12, 2023)

H-PAD Statement on the Faculty Strike at Rutgers University (April 11, 2023)

Statement on the Ukraine War (March 15, 2022)

Mobilize to Prevent Trump and Allies from Stealing the Election (October 27, 2020)

Organize a Virtual Forum on Issues Related to the Election! (September 29, 2020)

Statement of the Historians for Peace and Democracy (H-PAD) on the Current Struggle (June 2, 2020)

H-PAD Steering Committee statement on the coup in Bolivia (November 17, 2019)