Close to 50 people gathered for a day-long National Strategy Meeting on May 28, 2019 at Columbia University. The agenda gives a sense of our discussions.

The group made two important decisions. The first was to work to renovate Historians for Peace and Democracy, H-PAD, rather than starting a new organization. The second was to establish working groups or caucuses to carry out the new projects that emerged from the meeting. If you are interested in joining one, please contact the chair of the group (see below). We also encourage other working groups to emerge, so if you are interested in forming one, please let us know and we will get the word out.

The currently established working groups and chairs are the following:   

History, Truth and Consequences
[Contact:  Jeremy Varon,]

Democratize the Academy/Smash the Carceral State
[Contact:  Andy Battle,]

Empire and War
[Contact:  Prasannan Parthasarathi,]

K-12 Collaboration
[Contact:  Barbara Winslow,]

[Contact:  Leena Dallasheh,]

 A Note About Historians for Peace and Democracy (H-PAD)