Links to Recent Articles of Interest “What Happened the Last Time a President Purged the Bureaucracy” By Clay Risen, Portside, posted February 9 (from Politico) On the McCarthy-era purge of “security risks,” climaxing early in the Eisenhower administration. The US “kneecapped itself, removing thousands of valuable employees and forcing those who remained into unhappy conformity.” The author is a…
[To sign this petition please complete this form.] We urge you to rescind your veto of the Resolution to Oppose Scholasticide in Gaza and put theresolution to a vote of all AHA members. The Council’s action is undemocratic, reveals a lack oftrust in the judgment of its members, and violates the Association’s and Council’s own…
Resolution to Oppose Scholasticide in Gaza Whereas the US government has underwritten the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) campaign in Gaza with $17.9 billion inmilitary aid between October 2023 and October 2024. Whereas that campaign, beyond causing massive death and injury to Palestinian civilians and the collapse of basic lifestructures, has effectively obliterated Gaza’s education system;…
The American Historical Association Council’s decision to veto our resolution is a shocking decision. It overturns an unprecedented landslide vote at the January 5 Business Meeting, where 82% of the 520 members present voted for our resolution. Given that Council itself was clearly divided, with four of the sixteen members opposing the veto and one abstaining,…
View in browser Dear HPAD members (including many of you who are new), Last night, a packed AHA Business Meeting voted 428-88 in favor of our Resolution to Oppose Scholasticide in Gaza. This vote was the product of months of careful organizing by our Steering Committee, our superb staff organizers, and a solid cadre…
View in browser Dear HPAD members, We are promoting participation in one of two surveys created by the American Historical Association that seek to collect data on the working conditions of non-tenure-track faculty. Please take a moment to read the following message from the AHA: “The Professional Division of the American Historical Association seeks to collect…
View in browser Dear HPAD members, My name is Stone Peterson, I am one of the staff organizers with Historians for Peace and Democracy. I am a 2nd year PhD student historian at Arizona State University. My colleagues and I would not be able to maintain the work that we do without your support! We…
View in browser Dear HPAD members, If you will be at the AHA in New York city, here is our schedule: Radical History Review/HPAD Mini-Conference (17 panels, January 3-6) HPAD Members Caucus, Saturday, January 4, Noon-1:30 pm, Concourse B, Lower Level, New York Hilton Roundtable: “The 2024 Presidential Election: Where Do We Go from Here?”…
View in browser Dear HPAD Member, We are happy to release our Newsletter #15 providing updates on our current activities. Click on any of the pages of the newsletter to access a PDF version with functional links. Thank you for reading, Margaret Power and Van Gosse, H-PAD Co-Chairs Follow us on social Historians for Peace…
View in browser Links to Recent Articles of Interest “When Does Power Concede? Thwarting MAGA Will Take More than Protest and Symbolic Resistance” By Van Gosse, The Nation, posted November 19 On the mixed history of “states’ rights” in the US, evoking the legacy of northern resistance to fugitive slave laws before the Civil War…