H-PAD Update
Occasional Newsletter, November 2022
Radical History Sessions at the 2023 American Historical Association Annual Meeting
For the third time, the Radical History Review, supported by Historians for Peace and Democracy, is sponsoring a set of sessions at an annual meeting of the American Historical Association, the oldest organization of historians in the U.S., and the largest in the world. The AHA will be meeting January 6-9, 2023 in Philadelphia. At this meeting there will be eleven Radical History sessions—essentially a mini conference within the large conference. Some of these will be scholarly panels focusing on history in a range of locations and time periods. Some deal with recent and current struggles in higher and secondary education. And one session is a strategy discussion of potential roles historians, intellectuals, and activists can play in the current crisis.
A one-page, double-sided page listing all of our AHA panels is attached. For more complete information on our “mini-conference,” go here on the H-PAD website. For information on our past participation in AHA conferences, go here. And for general information on the 2023 AHA meeting, click here
If you can make it, please join us at our AHA sessions Philadelphia Marriott Downtown – Room 305. For those who can’t attend the AHA, we hope to make some of these sessions available later as podcasts.